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The Lucky Shed & Cabin Company is the culmination of my 17 years in the shed and cabin industry. I started on the sales side for a nationwide shed retailer. After 3 years of working for them I decided I would rather deliver a better product for less and work for myself. I learned many valuable lessons running a store and managing employees. Four years in to my venture the Great Recession hit like a ton of bricks. I hung on as long as I could but sales dried up to the point of losing my storefront. It was a big punch in the gut and my future was up in the air. I began selling sheds online to keep afloat while I figured out what I was going to do. It turns out that not having to pay for all the expenses that go along with a storefront let me sell my product for less than the other guys. I started building by myself to cut down on expenses as well. Luckily for me most customers didn't care if I had a store or not. The prices were lower than the competition and quality was better. I am 9 years in to selling sheds by using the internet as a storefront and I consider myself lucky to have a great operation that I truly enjoy running. I keep my operation small intentionally to preserve quality and integrity. I began a new era for Lucky Sheds in 2020 by getting a warehouse in Argyle, TX to pre fabricate my walls, rafters and doors. I make almost every cut there as well to speed up the installation process and improve  overall quality. We take pride in every building and we treat our customers like good neighbors. I plan on being around for a while and I don't expect anything I build will need to be torn down before I'm gone. I often wonder what the final building count will be when I hang up my tools. 

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Theresa V. (Haynes) Beard R.N.

5-25-1981  -  4-5-2013

I was ever so lucky to call this amazing woman my wife. One of a kind with a smile that lit up the room. Her passion was her job (critical care ICU nurse). She loved her family dearly and her son Nathan, niece Theresa (AKA Little T) and nephew Gage held a special place in her heart. Her enthusiasm for everything made life more enjoyable. When she walked through a door the heads would turn one by one. Trying to figure out what they were looking at she would turn her head too. She had no idea how beautiful she was. She was nice to everyone and always the center of attention. Strangers approach me to this day to tell me how they miss her. Even the ones who only met her once would talk about her like they were lifelong best friends. Her memorial service was a testament to the impressions she left. Every seat was filled and the standing area overflowed into a large portion of the lobby  She always believed in me and supported my ventures 100%. Theresa Vision was what I called her. She was far more entertaining than anything you could find on TV.  Aside from work we were inseparable for the better part of 14 years. If you see me sit down and start talking to myself I haven't lost my marbles... I'm just talking to her. It's what I do when I see a ladybug. I miss my Theresa Vision but I can still catch a glimpse of her Snoopy dance and countless other great memories when I close my eyes.

   ILYBB       TTMAB


I am fortunate to call this man my father. From patiently sitting on the beach watching us surf to crossing a peak in the Sierra Nevada (while carrying my backpack) and all things in between.


Original Storefront Est. 2005

Lewisville, TX

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A big part of my success can be attributed the support given to me by my late wife Theresa. She endured the financial difficulties of starting a business with limited resources and the long hours I put in to make it work. She believed in my dream and would come bring me lunch and work beside me on her days off. The success I have achieved over the years is in large part due to her support throughout the formative years. I could not create a section that accurately describes Lucky Sheds without paying tribute to everything she has done to make it a success. She was nothing short of amazing as a best friend and wife. There are no words in the English language to describe how much I miss her. Theresa loved all things ladybug. When they began to appear I thought she was there with me and watching me build. When a ladybug appeared on the second rafter erected at the exact same spot and the exact same step in the process three buildings in a row I didn't think she was there watching over me anymore. That's when I knew without a doubt she was there watching over me. On my drive to a 2 week solo cabin build outside of Nacogdoches I listened to the song we had our first dance to at our wedding and other songs that have a special meaning to us. Upon my arrival at the build site I walked into a surreal scene of ladybugs on everything. When I looked up through the tree canopy there were ladybugs flying around as far as the eye could see. The timing of the display could not have been better as I was at the beginning of a project where I worked and slept on location with no company to converse with. Several years have passed now since she left us in a physical presence. I don't see ladybugs like I did for the 2 years after her death. My phone is filled with pictures I took of ladybugs during that time. Including the two a little lower on this page. In her death she helped me through the 2 toughest years of my life. Thank you for everything pretty lady. You are nothing short of amazing. I sure do miss you. 

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